Aleksandr(Sandro)  Gorgadze
There are a lot of  STUDIO GORGADZE  project years. First of all, it is a boon for me and the chance to share their thoughts. This is
a site for social networking and ... Yes, important, perhaps the central place occupies the site   which offers to discuss
articles on a variety of subjects. In addition to the growing library. Section with pictures and useful software. A separate place
occupies a section with conversations. The most interesting people, tell stories about themselves and about the world. I have no
doubt that in the Quotations of famous people, you will find a lot of interesting things. In Jokes, is sure to be funny, though, that many
of the anecdotes and jokes you have heard. Sometimes we're wrong thinking that ... And a section on the website, which contains
numerous errors of mankind. Come visit you, always happy to see you. Welcome!!!
Friends, most sections are not translated into English. Use the translator pages located in the upper-right corner of the site.
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One should always be a Man
Hello, When you decided to tell about myself. Born as live ...But seriously, then let the story about yourself will be from a third party. This presentation was prepared for a single resource, but for various reasons did not work out. I liked it, it's nice when you praise and speak kind words. That's handy to ...
May 14, 1965 year was born in Tbilisi.Childhood and youth in this beautiful southern city. Zodiac Sign Taurus.

When you get acquainted with the works of Sandro, his one very pleasant matter. Everything that comes out of the pen, is written with the soul and flowed through the heart. Is read in one breath. Regardless of the topic. Whether it's policy or review concerning the relationship between a man and a woman. Indifference is not, and this is the most important thing. The style of Sandro is original, but it only emphasizes outstanding personalities, and all the versatility of his talent. It can be said that creativity Sandro, it's like a breath of fresh air.

Great experience, familiarity with interesting people, powers of observation, the ability to logical thinking. Of course, all these qualities allow you to write your stuff, with great knowledge of the topic. Add to all this, unconventional approach. All these advantages, and determine the choice of readers. With each read one clause in a deep knowledge of the subject and it is not surprising. After finishing school in his hometown, Sandro moved to Moscow. He had to work at the Barre, to study at VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, work at a construction site, serve in the army, studying at the Institute of ....

Man of versatile, more than ten years in the martial arts. Likes to play chess. Relax in nature. A special place in his life takes Internet, computers. This seems like a late love. Tellingly, without much experience, it's a pretty short time, has managed to create and maintain your own website

Feature presentation is that it is very difficult to distinguish where used personal experience of life, and where the ability to notice interesting and unusual situations and facts. impressed by the fact that there is no aggressiveness and dogmatic in applying the facts. It is well worth it, considering the diversity of topics that covers Sandro, in their articles.

Copyrighted material on the site, largely contributed to the formation of a permanent audience of readers. Without a doubt, that perseverance and hard work, will allow him to develop the success of ...